Characterism In The Movie King Arthur

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From the very beginning of our literary heritage, there have been numerous legends of heroes, Kings, and Gods. King Arthur is perhaps the best-known and most famous character of all theses legendary figures. His involvement with fighting against the Saxons from invading into South of Britain made him become one of the most important aspect of the Arthurian legend. His well-known character has placed him into being incorporated into movies, books and even plays. Due to the various of versions and stories of King Arthur the media depict him differently. One can see this throughout the movie King Arthur as well as First Knight. Although they illustrate Arthur as a fearless leader who stands his ground, he has a strong attraction towards Guinevere …show more content…

Despite, both movies portraying Arthur's character differently, there are some similarities that are present in both movies, as in his personality, his strong attraction towards Guinevere, and his belief that everyone should be treated equally. Taking a wider perspective of the movie King Arthur, one can observe that Arthur is a fearless man who is not afraid to stand his ground even if it is not his own fight. After returning home to Rome, Lancelot gets into an intense discussion with Arthur, insisting that he should not stay and fight against the Saxon as it is not his fight neither Rome's. Regardless of, Lancelot’s persistence for Arthur to stay, he refuses to listen and rather tells him,“Seize the freedom you have earned and live it for the both of us” (King Arthur). Although, Arthur could have departed and seek freedom with his knights he voluntarily decides to stay and fight against the Saxons himself from invading into Britain. Likewise, in First Knight, King Arthur shows no sense of fear when Sir Malagant aggressively confront him to sign his treaty going as far to warning him to watch his words as he says,” Your words are talking you out of peace and into …show more content…

His importance to the Arthurian Legend made him be incorporated into movie, books and plays. Due to the various of versions and stories of King Arthur there are numerous movies, books, and plays that are based off of different storylines of King Arthur, such as the movies First Knight and King Arthur. Although, they illustrate Arthur as a fearless leader who stands his ground, he has a strong attraction towards Guinevere and believes that everyone is equal, there are quite some differences from ages, to roles and his duties. The movies First Knight and King Arthur show a variety of strengths that reflect towards the Arthurian legend. For instance, both movies depict Arthur as a strong, fearless leader who stands his ground and is not afraid to back down. Correspondingly, to the Arthurian Legend as they portray King Arthur as someone whose is not willing to back down. After differentiating King Arthur and First Knight one can see that the movie King Arthur seems to be a more of a reliable source as it is more realistic, believable and detailed compared to First

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