Kent Allows The Reader To Witness Agnes Journey In Burial Rites

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‘I won’t let go of you, Agnes. I’m right here.’ How does Kent draw sympathy and allow the reader to witness Agnes’ journey in Burial Rites?

Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites commemorates the struggle and hardship of convicted murderess, Agnus Magnúsdóttir. The novel is set in the unforgiving and bleak 1829, Icelandic landscape, Burial Rites explores the life of the last woman to be executed in Iceland and is based on fact and government documents. Kent provides the reader with multiple perspectives, using both 1st person and 3rd person views, this allows the reader to have a deeper understanding of Agnes’ history and punishment. In addition, Kent influences the reader to feel sympathy for Agnes by giving her a voice, using a wide variety of language techniques and the use of …show more content…

The use of perspectives and tense changes are key features that Hannah Kent uses to make the reader feel sympathy for characters. In addition, Kent also uses an omniscient narrator, this means that storyteller knows all the thoughts, opinions and emotions of the characters. Kent alternates between 1st and 3rd person, to provide the reader with more perspectives and create a fair and unbiased story. When the narrator is speaking in third person, this indicates that Margret is talking, granting the reader the ability to imagine how Margret feels in certain situations. “Margret was unprepared for the wretchedness of the woman’s appearance”. To help the reader understand the thoughts and opinions of Agnes, Kent illustrates this through the use of first person writing. As Agnes approaches death, she experiences numerous flashbacks that provoke further sympathy and understanding from the reader, “ ” . Kent uses this technique to display Agnes’ unfortunate and heartbreaking life that has led to her

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