Kenneth Oppel's The Nest

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Book Review #2 - The Nest by Kenneth Oppel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: “The Nest” begins when Steve has a new baby brother named “Theo”. Theo needs lots of surgery and visits the hospital frequently. His parents are worried. Theo may not live. The doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him. Nobody does. One day, Steve, being afraid of wasps, tries to shoo away a silvery wasp. This wasp instead stings him. Steve starts getting swollen everywhere. They take him to the doctor and they find out Steve is allergic to wasps. Later that night, Steve has a dream. There is an unknown character that says that it can help their baby brother, Theo. He tells his mom the dream and she doesn’t take any note of it. A few days after, his babysitter Vanessa came over to take care over him and his sister. Vanessa was studying biology. She saw a special type of wasp and took interest in it. She told him that the wasps were making a nest. Steve told his parents to call an exterminator. Later that night, Steve had a dream with the same person. They said they would be able to make the baby healthy again, and warned him of the people that might try to stop that …show more content…

In my opinion, this is a Horror/Action book. Steve has to face his fears and it is a horrifying experience for him. I think this book has a different approach to the traditional “horror” genre. Steve is very insecure about wasps and in this book, Kenneth Oppel does a great job by making Steve’s horrors come to him. It is also scary to imagine lots of wasps in one room with you, with your life on the line and versing the thing you hate the most. It is also is an action packed book, so I would say it could also be apart of the action genre. It has lots of action and keeps the reader in suspense at times. Overall, this book is a different type of “Horror” and perhaps an Action

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