Kaz As An Anti-Hero In Crooked Kingdom, By Leigh Bardugo

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Unlike a conventional hero, an anti-hero struggles with balancing the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations behind their actions. In Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo, Kaz Brekker struggles to create balance between his noble and greedy motives. Living in the Barrel, the entertainment district of Ketterdam, Kaz is a thief and the leader of the Dregs gang. After pulling off an impossible heist to rescue Kuwei, the son of the creator a powerful drug, his team member Inej Ghafa gets kidnapped by a powerful merchant- Jan Van Eck. Kaz, driven by both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, hurries to save her. Kaz Brekker falls under the archetype of an anti-hero due to his mixed motivations to selflessly save Inej and selfishly avenge his brother while …show more content…

After saving Kuwei and Inej's kidnapping, Kaz creates a plan to rescue her. Even though “the practical thing would be for Kaz to auction Kuwei to the highest bidder and forget about Inej entirely”, he still chooses to save her, just because he wants to (Bardugo 41). It is not beneficial or practical for Brekker to save Inej as it puts his entire team at risk of Van Eck and complicate the plan, but Kaz does not care. He wants to save Inej because it is the right thing to do. Kaz not only complicates the team’s plans to save Inej when she was kidnapped, but also when they are destroying Van Eck’s reputation. In this plan, Inej must scale up a silo twenty stories high and walk across a high wire to the other silos to ruin Van Eck’s sugar. Kaz plans for Inej to have a net to protect her all though he knows she does not need it. Having a net to protect Inej “would complicate the assault he’d planned … and leave them twice as open to exposure”, yet Kaz insists on it (173). Inej is famed in the Barrel for her stealth, agility, and being able to climb up anything and get anywhere, all without having any safety measures. It is her job and something she is very skilled at. Kaz knows this and he still insists on the net to protect Inej, even when it will complicate the operation. This is due to his intrinsic need to protect Inej at all times. He can not “bear to watch [her] fall” (173). Kaz …show more content…

When Kaz chooses to save Inej, he does it to “‘protect [his] investments’” (Bardugo 173). Even though Kaz wants to save Inej because of his love for her, he also wants to because he invested in her. Kaz bought and freed Inej from a brothel and allowed her to join his crew. He realizes that if Inej gets hurt, he would suffer a big loss. Brekker would not only lose a valuable team member, but the money he put into Inej would also go to waste. Kaz protects Inej because she is an investment and also because she is an “asset” (151). ). Inej is known and renowned around the Barrel for her stealth and agility and is a spy for Kaz. She learns and tells Kaz the secrets of everyone in Ketterdam. To protect her legs from getting shattered by Van Eck, Inej argues that “‘[Kaz will] never trade if you break me! … I’ll be no use to him anymore!’” (63). Brekker only cares about saving Inej because she is useful to him. She is his spy and source of inside information. As soon as she can not perform her job anymore, he will leave her. Kaz’s both selfless and selfish motivations for saving Inej prove that he is an

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