Karl Marx Research Paper

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It was in the ancient Greek city-states that political thought was born. But it was not until the industrial revolution that political thought began to truly evolve. Urbanization and capitalism had begun to significantly reshape society at this time, and it was due to this fact that an opposing political thought was produced. Socialism. It is a socio-economic system that is identified for its belief in both social ownership and egalitarian control over the means of production. And it was in the 1840s that a man had formed a political theory that would be structured upon the absence of any divisions in social classes, any type of monetary system, and any form of state. The man was the German political theorist Karl Marx and his revolutionary …show more content…

He was born into a middle class and had come from a long line of rabbis on both sides of his family. But even though he had come from a strong Jewish heritage he had grown up as a Protestant. Two years before his birth his father had converted to Lutheranism in order to prevent the loss of his job as a lawyer due to many anti-semitic laws. Marx was baptized by the church when was six years old, but later in life he would eventually cast out all forms of religion and become an atheist. It was during his early life though that he was exposed to all the prejudice and discrimination that society had to offer which is what prompted him to take an interest in the social policies of the Enlightenment period and gave him a desire for social change. When Marx was seventeen years old he was enrolled into the University of Bonn where he began to take an interest in Romanticism and Saint-Simonian Politics, but he would abandon those interests for Hegelianism when he was at the University of Berlin. Marx had finally discovered a leftist perspective that appeased his need to criticize society, politics, and religion. However, Marx even though he found a perspective that he could revere he was still several years away from reaching the peak of his philosophical …show more content…

This was a chance for Marx to truly embrace his socialist ideals, but it was on August 28, 1844 when Marx met Friedrich Engels at the Café de la Regence that he was on track to creating an innovative political theory that would change to world. Engels began showing Marx his recently published works and convinced Marx that it was the working class that would be the instrument of the final revolution. Marx then was studying the ideas of Adam Smith and “political economy,” which would ultimately result in one of Marx’s major economic works Das Kapital. Marxism was now in its premature stage. Beginning strongly influenced by Hegel’s dialects, French utopian socialism, and English economics. In 1845, Marx had begun to wear out his welcome in France and being unable to return to Germany decided to emigrate to Brussels; however, Brussels would welcome Marx as long as he promised no to publish any literature on the subject of contemporary politics. Ultimately, he and Engels decided to take a trip to England in mid-July in order to meet the leaders of the Chartists. They were a socialist movement in Britain so Engels and Marx had no problem developing a close relationship with many Chartist leaders. Engels was working as a reporter for many Chartists as well as several other English newspapers during this time. Marx even took this opportunity to truly examine

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