Kant's Desire To Be Good And Just Being Good

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“Nothing can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good, without qualification, except a good will.” This passage from Kant tells the philosophy of what constitutes as being good for the sake of just being good. Having good character is not enough to be considered good. What is important is the desire to be good should be motivation to become a person of character. The same can be said for pursuing fortune. “Power, riches, honor, even health, and the general well-being and contentment with one’s condition which is called happiness, all inspire pride and often presumption if there is not a good will to correct the influence of these on the mind, and with this to rectify also the whole principle of acting …show more content…

I do agree with Kant’s beliefs on what he describes as the good will. I agree with Kant on this point because, I like to see that my actions are born from a desire to achieve a higher sense of morality, rather than an attempt to just receive some sort of reward for my actions. “A man whose possessions are sufficient for his needs is well-to-do; if he has sufficient not only his needs but also for other purposes, he is a man of means; if he has sufficient for his needs and other purposes and then to spare he is a man of wealth; if he has so much as would enable him to make others also well-to-do, he is rich.” Whenever I …show more content…

At least, not to actively try to acquire happiness as an end goal, but rather to let the good will bring happiness as a byproduct. “On the other hand, it is a duty to maintain one’s life; and, in addition, everyone has also a direct inclination to do so.” This quote from Kant touches the idea that while it is important to be morally dutiful to others, it is also important to focus on bringing happiness to yourself. Here, I agree with almost everything on this point. I definitely agree that acquiring happiness for yourself is important. The only thing I disagree with Kant on is that I believe that it is possible to actively find personal

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