Comparing Sonny's Blues And A Hunger Artist

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“Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin is a story that takes place in the 1950’s in Harlem about two men who are brothers. Sonny, the younger of the two brothers, is a blues musician who is having problems with drugs. The older brother, the narrator, is a school teacher and has two kids and a wife. “A Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka is a story that describes the life of an artist who imprisons himself and fasts for days on end. The reader doesn’t learn what the main character’s name is, but we do learn that he fasted in front of many people for his life. Both of these stories have the protagonist being imprisoned, but they are very different in who imprisons the protagonist in both stories. “Sonny’s Blues” is narrated by Sonny’s brother who is having …show more content…

This story progresses through the artist’s life as he fasted for many days, doing this eventually led to his death. The artist starts in a cage that is on display for everyone to see and does this for forty days at which point the impresario would force him to come out and eat some food. After the artist was done eating, he would relocate to the cage for the reason that he wanted to prove to people that fasting is easy. After a while of doing this the people grew tired and decided not to come and watch him. After the impresario and the artist then went around to other places to see if anyone would watch him and wonder why he did what he did. After a while the artist went to a carnival too fast for people who visited. He requested the carnival to place him next to the animals instead of being the center of attention. He requested the carnival to keep the number of days that he fasted, but after a few weeks the carnival stopped keeping track and so did the artist. At the end of the story the overseer asked why the hunger artist did what he did and the artist answered “because I couldn’t find the food I liked,” (Kafka 334). This shows that he was imprisoned himself due to the fact that he didn’t have the right kind of

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