Juvenile Epilepsy Research Paper

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Juvenile Absence Epilepsy: Life-long and Hereditary or Curable and Induced?

The topic of epilepsy itself has always been important and close to me personally, due to the fact that my, currently 8 years old, brother has had issues with it his entire life. Although he does have a form of the neurological disorder and similar background, his situation is much more complicated than the exact diagnosis being JAE. Juvenile Absence Epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome with absence seizures, or staring spells, during which the child is not aware. It can begin from later childhood years up through adolescence, usually being a life-long condition. The cause of the syndrome is predominantly genetic, rarely ever being simply acquired by a person (child). …show more content…

Characterization of the syndrome often includes staring spells, and unawareness from the young person diagnosed. The eyes tend to roll up briefly or flutter, some experience unintended automatisms, although these spells last from 10 to 45 seconds each, the person usually resumes their normal activity and often has no recollection of the episode. Episodes can occur from 1 to 100 times a day, which makes people with JAE at a greater risk of developing nonconclusive status epilepticus. The differences with this development are significant, and can leave the person with seizures that can last from minutes to hours, along with confusion, irregular responses, and potentially difficulty walking. About ¾ of people with JAE also have generalized tonic-clonic seizures with body jerking and stiffening, which can occur before absence seizures or upon waking, lasting from seconds to minutes. Despite the many episodes and difficulties that come with them, including learning difficulties for children with frequent episodes, people with JAE usually develop normally. 1/3 of children have attention, memory, and concentration problems, although, learning problems often improve after treatment

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