Jurassic Park Historical Accuracy

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The Truth of Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park is an action packed movie based around the recreation of dinosaurs, but the dinosaurs are all female to control birth. The dinosaurs were created by DNA from preserved insects in ancient amber. Because the DNA is so old, sections of chromosomes were not there. To patch the empty spots, the scientists used frog DNA. In the movie, one of the scientists, Malcolm, says that controlling the dinosaur population by having only females will never work, and that nature will find a way around this. Sure enough in one scene Dr. Grant notices broken egg shells with foot prints walking away from them. Dr. Grant says that the all female dinosaur habitat was able to create new life due to sequential hermaphroditism.
Cites: depauw.edu
Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction, which means an offspring comes from only one parent, where females produce offspring that are …show more content…

In sequential hermaphroditism, the organism has to change sex and reproduce sexually, all of which takes a longer time. And as we know the dinosaurs at Jurassic Park were well cared for and pampered in a stable environment. Jurassic Park is almost the exact opposite of what ideal conditions are for sequential hermaphroditism as stated in the following, “When external conditions change and food supplies become less abundant, or when the environment becomes unpredictable, these species shift to a sexual mode of reproduction.” While ideal conditions of sequential hermaphroditism is the exact opposite of Jurassic Park Parthenogenesis happens more commonly in conditions like Jurassic Park as stated in the following. “ Parthenogenetic reproduction occurs when environmental conditions are favourable and there is plenty of food that can sustain the generation of large numbers of individuals.” depauw.edu shows Parthenogenesis happens in an environment where all organisms are

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