Jurassic Era Essay

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The jurassic era approximately 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago full of plant eating dinosaurs roaming the Earth, oceans full of fish, and lush ferns like cycads and bennettitales. Dinosaurs, birds, plants, seas, forests of ferns, and hot climates… This was the Jurassic. At the start of the era the break apart of pangea occurred and continued new oceans occurred and mountains formed pushing sea levels higher onto the continents. All of this water changed this hot and dry climate into something with a humid and subtropical vibe. Deserts slowly took on the green color while cycads (similar to palm trees) were in large quantities. Back on land dinosaurs were making their mark in some way. The brachiosaurus a plant a herbivore stood up to be around fifty-two feet …show more content…

Reptiles had overcome the evolutionary hurdles of support and reproduction and reproduction that limited the amphibians. Reptiles had strong ossified muscular systems supported by advanced muscular systems for body support and locomotion. Some of the largest animals ever to roam the earth where dinosaurs of the jurassic period. Reptiles were also capable of laying animatonic eggs, which kept the developing young moist and nourished during gestation. This allowed for the first fully terrestrial animal life cycles. Sauropods, the “lizard hipped” dinosaurs, were herbivorous quadrupeds with long necks balanced by heavy tails. Many, such as the Brachiosaurus, were huge. Some genera obtained lengths greater than 100 feet and 100 tons, making them the largest land animals to walk on the earth. Their skulls were relatively small, with nostrils carried highly beside their eyes. Such small skulls meant that they had very small brains as well. Despite the small brains, this group was very successful during the jurassic period and had a wide geographic distribution. Sauropod fossils have been found on every continent except Antarctica.Other well known dinosaurs of the jurassic era include

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