Junior Lifeguard-Personal Narrative

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Even though Lori and I never pushed our boys (well, too much), they clamored for adventure. In the summer of 2002, this adventure once again led John back to the water. He’d heard that his best childhood friends were doing Junior Lifeguards. “Can I, Mom and Dad?” Saint John, wanting to save souls and bad swimmers. “Well, remember, you’d be a junior guard. I think that’s when you learn to save yourself.” “Oh. Okay.” John had already lost about 95% of his sight. He could distinguish bright light from dark, and see some things as shadowed objects, but that’s about it. However, he still had to tryout to join. They required that he swim one hundred yards, then ten more underwater, then tread water for five minutes. As John had about …show more content…

It was a foggy summer, and the water was cold, but he met each day with a smile. He fought his way through the surf into the deep blue, guided by a strong voice on the beach. “Swim left, John! Keep going! A little right! No! The other right!” Out he went to round the buoy. Of course, the professional guards were nearby should he lose his way completely, but still... Alongside seventy-five other kids, John competed and played each day. He raced up and down the beach holding hands with an assistant or with one of the other kids, learned about the ocean and its inhabitants, and pitted his 80 pounds of pure muscle against the crushing waves. He never talked about how he was different in that he couldn’t see. He just did what was asked of him. It wasn’t his strength that allowed him to survive, but his willingness to persevere, his belief in what he was doing. He knew he was loved. He trusted in that love and care. He won awards for competing in the Junior Guards Iron Man contest, which included competing in five training events in one day. He enjoyed Junior Life Guards for several summers in a row. And Lori and I didn’t really mind the hours we had to spend on the beach,

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