June's Character In Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls

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Being a teenager is really hard. Perhaps they make it difficult for themselves or the world is simply against them. Regardless, it is an indisputable fact that adolescence can be a time of difficulty and the years ahead cannot always promise an upside. With this in mind, who can blame them for booking the next ticket out of this place called life. At least, this is the plot that writer Lynn Weingarten establishes in her bestselling work, Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls. When June finds out her former best friend, Delia, did just that, she realizes how little sense it makes. The truth June eventually uncovers is one neither she nor the readers expected. How is it that Delia, raised in similar environment as her best friend, could develop into a character so different from June? According to one side of the …show more content…

In support of this, one would compare the two main characters, whose common thread is parental neglect, although it is manifests in different ways. June is often portrayed as a frightened rabbit, keeping mostly to herself and trying to be tough when she really is not (Weingarten, 2015). Delia is the opposite. She is described as a well-contained, fiery ball of anger, more than willing to escape at a moment’s notice. Unlike June, she is confident enough to do whatever she wants without fear, but not without her own fair share of problems. This is the true characterization of Delia, a person that is not merely misunderstood, but possessive, manipulative, cold, and hateful. So how did she develop this personality? By examining these characters side by side, it can essentially

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