Judicial Branch Essay

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The American National Government is very unique. There are many aspects and a lot of thought and effort that goes into the government. Each and every day the government officials are working and dealing with issues within our nation. For example, the judicial branch of government is constantly looking at laws and propositions to determine and make sure they can be classified as constitutional. Judges and justices are trying and reviewing court cases daily, deciding who is in the right and who is in the wrong. With that, there are many different roles and powers held by the judicial branch is very unique and has many layers within it. So, to get started I would like to tell you about the judicial branch and why I believe that it, with the Supreme …show more content…

The judicial branch is one of the three branches of the United States government. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “judiciary” means “a system of courts of law” and “the judges of these courts” (“Judiciary,” Def. 1). “The judicial system of the United States promotes the equal right of participation by allowing a single individual who has been harmed by a law to challenge its constitutionality.” (Text, p. 553) Each of the three branches of government have different roles than one another. The judicial branch deals with civil and criminal courts. The role of the judicial branch is to interpret the constitution and the laws. This power is the result of the “judicial review, established by Marbury v. Madison.” (Text, p. 522) The judicial review is the ability of the court to determine whether the actions of congress, state officials, or the president are unconstitutional. If the courts decide that the actions were unconstitutional, then that would result in a void. The judicial branch also has the role to limit the powers of the executive and legislative branches through checks and balances. Another role taken by the judicial branch is to resolve legal disputes. This was implemented by Congress with the Judiciary Act of …show more content…

The reason I believe this is because the judicial branch simply has the most power out of the three branches in America. The judicial branch has the ability to tell the General Assembly if a law they passed was unconstitutional. If they decide that, they can void the law. Therefore, making the law passed not valid. The judicial branch also has the power to tell a Governor or even the President of the United States that a certain action is in violation of the Constitution The fact that the judicial branch has the power to decide whether a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional or not, shows the tremendous amount of power held by the judicial branch of government. The judicial branch also has the power to check the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government. For example, in 2014, A federal judge found part of former President Obama’s immigration actions as unconstitutional. The judge then called him out about his actions and it was talked about and debated for a while. The Judicial Branch has declared more than one hundred federal laws as unconstitutional. Therefore, this is one of the many reasons that I believe the judicial branch of government is the most powerful. I also think that the judicial branch, especially with the Supreme Court, is the most powerful because the

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