Joseph Mccarthyism In Today's Society

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Joseph McCarthy is alive and kicking in today's society. He has been for many centuries, bringing fear, doubt, and uncertainty with him. Those ideals have been the unspoken anthem for many political movements throughout America's history. However, it wasn't until the 1950s that the movement claimed the iconic name and face that we associate with it now. Even though it can show fruitfulness in the long run, McCarthyism remains a dangerous political tactic that completely bypasses the individuals' constitutional rights. It is dangerous considering it ignores the individuals' right to privacy, while also providing a powerful political weapon for politicians to generate a wary and uncertain view of a particular group of people. This helps them successfully rally the public behind them. Not only that, McCarthyism also goes against the major …show more content…

McCarthyism did not die in the fifties along with the 'Red Scare', and it has begun to pick up speed again in modern times. On April 22, 1954, a trial aired on television that captured the attention on the American population. Joseph McCarthy, senator of Wisconsin, a jury, and multiple defendants spent the next three months on national television, investigating whether or not the Army was being 'soft' on communist. The trials were so popular, because McCarthy had been gaining public support for four years prior to the trials, by claiming in 1950 that he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the state department. This was a successful political move, since America was in the Cold War with Russia, and the fear, referred to as the ‘Red Scare’, was very high at this time. During this time, the public began to realize McCarthy’s bully tactics that he used when addressing the people on the stand, and this eventually lead to his censure by the Senate in 1954. His political career declined rapidly from that point, and he died in

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