Joseph Mccarthyism In The Crucible

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As the fear of communism spread during the early 1950s, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy investigated several allegations of communist activity within the elite community. The increasing number of accusations sparked a time of mass hysteria that became known as the Red Scare. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1952 when the Red Scare was at its peak; in the play, he recounted a similar panic known as the Salem Witch Trials. Miller conveyed the irrationality of the Red Scare through the plot and characters of The Crucible, drawing a connection between the role of social position in McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials. Throughout The Crucible, Arthur Miller emphasized how maintaining one’s reputation could conflict with ideas of reality through …show more content…

The court did not take evidence into consideration if it negatively affected someone’s reputation. John Proctor found himself in this situation when he presented a petition to prove the innocence of several women in Salem. Despite the ninety-one signatures, Judge Danforth and Reverend Parris denied the petition because it undermined the court’s authority (86). A signed petition would typically serve as a sound piece of evidence, but because Danforth and Parris were concerned about maintaining the court’s reliability as well as their own, they chose to overlook the document. Because influential characters could not support their decisions with plausible information, they relied on unsound reasoning to prove their points. In act three, Abigail and the other girls began chanting simultaneously to accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft. Witnesses that wanted the court to succeed immediately saw this as proof of Mary’s involvement with the devil, while others quickly pointed out that the girls could have easily fabricated their behavior (106). Powerful members of the community accepted this evidence rather than scrutinizing its validity because it protected their authority. Incidents like these revealed how prioritized reputations led to the negligence of logical

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