Jonas Decisions In Lois Lowry's The Giver

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Jonas’ Decision

Jonas had to make a hard decision in Lois Lowry’s “The Giver”. Jonas makes the choice to leave the community, which is selfless and is the right choice for the community. Jonas’ decision is right for the community because the community has no memories other than the ones they have accumulated in their lifetime. Without the knowledge of the memories, they can not make very logical decisions. Jonas must leave the community in order to share all the memories with the entire community.

Jonas thinks the community can help benefit Jonas by taking the memories. Jonas can barely sustain the pain of the memories. He thinks that the community can rely on one another to get through the hardship that is the memories. This is because …show more content…

Not only did Jonas make the right decision, he was also selfless while doing it. Jonas’ decision was selfless because he put his own life at risk for other people’s benefit. Jonas not only risked his life, but he went without the Giver and without all of his training being completed. Jonas also saved Gabriels life by taking Gabriel with him when Gabriel was scheduled for release. Jonas also was scared at the end of the book, not because he was going to die, but because he could not save Gabriel. This furthermore proves why Jonas’ act was selfless and ultimately right for the community.

In conclusion, not only was Jonas’ act selfless, it was ultimately right for the community. This is because Jonas is releasing the memories to the community. The community can benefit from keeping the memories because they can use them to logically make decisions. Jonas can benefit by having the burden lifted from his back. People will be able to sustain the pain of the memories because they have each other's company. Jonas’ act was selfless because he did this on his own, without all of his training being completed. This is why Jonas’ acts are selfless and good for the

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