John Weaver Research Paper

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John Weaver, born in 1927, Piedmont, Alabama, Male, white, presbyterian, he lived only four years after his wife died. They were married for 60 years and only had 2 children.
When he grew up, he had to wear a dress with 5 older sisters till about 14 because his family could not afford pants. He had two children with a Christian woman, Louis was her name. Mr. Weaver believes that teenagers today are lazy. They are allowed to be kids too long. They are not ethical, nor responsible. They are not very disciplined and have no commitment morals whatsoever. They do not take care of their families like they used to. He did not attend school past the third grade, nor did he want to. He went to a one room school house with a stove in it and the teacher …show more content…

They didn't do much to contribute to the family earnings. Most kids that age wanted to work, because meant more money, which would better provide for their family. As for getting along with their parents usually was not a big to do, they all got along and tried to survive as best as they to the behavior they were a Christian family, and was to honor their mother and father, and if they misbehaved they get whipped by horse whip. As he grew up he had hand me downs until they could afford as a family a pair pants or trousers and a handmade, homemade shirt.the worked just fine, fashion was not really that important it was more so if those clothes would last him the year. As he grew, he didn't go high school, but at that age they started dating about 17. When they go out with some of the ladies they take them to a movie. Whenever there was free time , usually far and few between they go fishing, hunting coons. In these days the most nagging and hard problem was being poor, this was the time of the great depression of course. The difference of today's youth v.s. The youth back then is a very large scale. Teenager back then knew they had to go to work. If they chose not to work they enlisted to serve their country. As Mr. Weaver said today's youth are spoiled, and lazy. They stay in school to long, and they change

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