John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men: Chapter Analysis

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Lennie sits next to the river gulping down swigs of greenish pool water. From behind him Slim bursted through the autumn brush and all out of breath. Lennie moves from his perch near the water's edge and stands up looking down on Slim. “Well big man don’t go tryin an’ting,” said Slim. Lennie drooped his shoulder and sat down again. “Please Slim I didn’t mean no harm! honest I didn’t!” begged Lennie. Lennie began to cry asking to see George. “I found him!” shiereked Slim. “I didn’t want to hurt the puppy he was just to small and I didnt want you to get mad so I buried it,” said Lennie. “You big bastard you don't understand do you? You killed Curley's wife!” Just then a sweaty Curley burst through the orange trees weidling a shotgun. “Yur gonna die, you big bastard!” yelled Curley. …show more content…

Curley looked to Slim as if waiting for a answer but it never came. Slowly but surely Carlston stepped out from behind a brown tree and made his way over to the group. “Don’t you think he should have a fair trial? Curley if you kill him it would be murder”, said Carlston in a sympathetic tone. “What? This man is guilty we all know it and I’ll be damned if he aint” responded Curley. “It would mean you could go to jail too if you kill him, you'd both be murderers!” chipped in Slim. “Why what the hell has gotten into you two?” demanded Curley. “He killed my wife! Have you no

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