John Proctor's Reaction To The Crucible

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The Crucible is a fictionalized story of salem witch trials, it took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692. In the story, Arthur Miller interprets the characters to have some kind of “beef” toward each other. Arthur Miller foreshadowed the truth to make the reader feel uncomfortable and want to know what will happen, this is actually made this story interesting. Arthur Miller shows that fate is something you can realize, but it can be changed. In the story, John Proctor change his mind and tear up the confession. The reason for him to did that could be because he wants to protect his name as his perception of a morally righteous person. Rebecca Nurse shocked with John Proctor’s decision, Mr. Danforth accused that the confession is …show more content…

Arthur Miller also wrote the play as an allegory for McCarthyism, when the United States government ostracized people for being communists.
American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." Although fear is a common human emotion, our response to it varies. This quote can be related to The Crucible at some point. The first thing that first came up on my mind about this quote is about Mr. Danforth with his decision. He choose to believe the children that pretending over the adults that try to speak the truth.
The quote “Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." can also be mean that fear is a state of mind that can cause inaction and is generally harmful. The other scene from The Crucible that can be related to this quote is when Tituba confessed something that she doesn’t even did, she lied to avoid from being punished. Another story is when Mary Warren get sported by the other girls such as pretending that they got some kind of spell when she was trying to tell the truth, even if Mr. Hale said they are pretending, Mr. Danforth choose to believe the girls. Mary Warren then also lied to the court just to avoid

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