John Kasich Research Paper

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How did John Kasich go from 1.9% to 15.8% of the votes? (Zhi yuan) John Kasich went from 1.9% in Iowa to 15.8% of votes in New Hampshire because he didn’t attend Iowa as much as he did for New Hampshire. According to USA Today, “While other candidates have swarmed Iowa this month, Kasich has appeared just twice: Jan. 4 in West Des Moines and Jan. 10 in Council Bluffs. “I wish I had more time for Iowa,” Kasich said in an interview Wednesday on his campaign bus in New Hampshire. “When we go, we get such good response, so it’s tempting to keep going back. It’s time management. It’s nothing against the folks in Iowa.” He had spent most of his time in NH because he had lost in Iowa badly and wanted to compete against Marco Rubio, which he made second place this time.

Why did Ted Cruz go from 27.6% to 11.7% of the votes? (Daren) Ted Cruz went from winning the Iowa caucus with 27.6% of the votes to getting in third place with 11.7% of the votes in New Hampshire. One reason that the percentage of votes in his favor went down was because he did not spend much of his time trying to win the state over. According Fox News Latino, “He spent less time there than many of his rivals, and the least amount of money — …show more content…

(Zhi yuan)
Hillary Clinton might be disliked due to her goals as the first female president. Also, she is supported by non-white female like how she was in Iowa. Young female liked Bernie Sanders more than Hillary Clinton. According to USA Today, “But New Hampshire is New Hampshire. It's not Iowa, where Clinton led among women by 11 points. And it's not South Carolina and Nevada, upcoming early states where fewer of those women will be white.” It’s all about race, Clinton was more likely to be supported by non-white rather than white. Young women decided to trust more on Bernie rather than Hillary.

Who will win the primary in South Carolina and Nevada in the Democratic and Republican side?

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