John Forbes Nash Research Paper

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John Forbes Nash, Jr., the man some consider the “most remarkable mathematician of the second half of the century,” (12 but change) was struck by such intuitive visions that lead him to make amazing discoveries in economic game theory, the geometry of imaginary places, the mysteries of prime numbers, and the shape of the universe. Obsessed with rationality, Nash strove to explain and predict the universe through algorithms and mathematical rules. His contemporaries saw him as an aloof enigma with odd and sometimes violent behaviors. But under the quirky exterior was a mind that saw the world in such a different way that it would take never before trodden paths to formulate amazing theories such as game theory. John Nash’s achievements in mathematics as well as his personal struggle against himself and schizophrenia yield a truly incredible story. John Forbes Nash, Sr., was a Texas native born into the Southern gentry with a sharp and inquiring mind. He was occupied as an electrical engineer in Bluefield, West Virginia. It is here that he would many Margaret Virginia Martin, a robust and free-spirited teacher. Their marriage would yield two children, John Forbes Nash, Jr., and Martha Nash. John was a very introverted and solitary child that could always be found with his nose shoved in a book or tinkering with experimental gadgets. While he was a bright and curious child, his social awkwardness caused teachers to frown upon him. This prompted his parents, who wanted well-rounded and educated children, to push him into social activities such as the Boy Scouts or dates arranged by his sister. However, Nash had in his adolescence just taken his first bite out of mathematics when he read E. T. Bell’s Men of Mathematics. In this book, N... ... middle of paper ... ...formally diagnosed with schizophrenia and underwent psychotherapeutic treatment. After a few months, Nash seemed to have regained some semblance of normality. However, this was only the beginning of a vicious cycle of involuntary admittance, a seeming recovery, and then a fitful relapse. (insulin) The worst of Nash’s schizophrenia occurred when he took a trip to Paris. He became obsessed with the idea of becoming a citizen of a world government. He tried everything he could to renounce his American citizenship and gain status as a refugee in both France and Sweden. There were times of lucidity which Nash was able to do some work during. He published two papers “Analyticity of Solutions of Implicit Function Problems with Analytic Data” and another unpublished paper on the canonical resolution of singularities. world and relapse/phantom reawakening, nobel conclusion

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