John Bowlby Attachment Theory Essay

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Attachment can be described as the early close relationship formed between infant and caregiver. John Bowlby was the initiator of attachment theory and called the “father” of attachment theory. Bowlby defined attachment as “a lasting psychological integration bounded by human beings” (Bowlby, 1969, p.194).
John Bowlby theory supposed that” mental health and behavioral difficulties might be accredited to early childhood” (Bowlby, 1907). Attachment theory is an approach in developmental psychology that regards the significance of "attachment" in concerns to personal development. Precisely, it makes the statement that the capability for an individual to form a sensitive and physical "attachment" to another person gives an intellect of constancy and safety essential to take risks, subdivision, and raise and develop as a personality. These theory has a wide idea with many terms, and the best considerate of it can be had by observing at some of those terms in order which makes it naturally. …show more content…

According to Rutter (1981), he suggested that “one important distinction is between deprivation meaning loss of an attachment figure or model and privation lack of any attachment figure or model”. Therefore, it is privation that may have long-lasting significances. While, deprivation occurs when something is out of possession. These perspectives of attachment explains that deprivation occurs when a child who has derived/ experienced attachment is for a while deprived of the care and attention needed from their primary attachment caregiver. Furthermore, short-term effects of deprivation have been described by the protest-despair-detachment model also the maternal deprivation hypothesis describes the long-term effects of

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