John Bogle's Democracy In Corporate America

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2. (800 Words for Question Two) John Bogle, in his article Democracy in corporate America, defines capitalism in two different ways, owner’s capitalism and manager’s capitalism. According to Bogle, owner’s capitalism is defined with the idea that purpose of a business or corporation is to make a profit. Manager’s capitalism, Bogle notes, is defined by William Pfaff with the idea that “the corporation came to be run to profit its managers, in complicity if not conspiracy with accountants and the managers of other corporations” (Bogle, p. 26). These two definitions of owner’s capitalism and manager’s capitalism provide great insight about today’s corporate America. The two previous descriptions that John Bogle provides of owners and managers …show more content…

There are many different factors that have led to the issues with corporate governance, but some of the most important to consider include the fact that corporate accounting has shifted toward the interest of protecting and providing for individuals in the company, investor protection rules have become too relaxed, and the fact that “too many corporate executives and directors have been placed in positions of great power and authority without an adequate understanding of their fiduciary duties” (Bogle, p. 31). Bogle provides multiple scenarios as to how to help with these issues, and some of them are essentially describing a movement back to traditional owners capitalism. First, he notes that the most major thing that needs to be reformed is stockholder rights, and policies that limit those. Regarding the stockholders, Bogle says that reforms should be made so to better allow stockholders to have a say-so in election of corporate board members, as well as have the rights to help in replacing one if needed. For example, instead of a company’s CEO appointing its board members, the stockholders should appoint them because as stockholders they reserve the right to have some input into the way the company in governed. Next, Bogle shows that the next thing to be reformed involves the idea that the stockholders of a company should be able to “place …show more content…

To do this, we can consider each of the groups of people mentioned earlier, as stakeholders, and how they affect the corporation individually. First, the suppliers of a corporation can be thought of as one of the most vital parts of the corporation as stakeholders, because without them, the corporation would not have the materials needed to provide their products and services. Customers, as stakeholders, are the driving force behind the corporation’s production, because the demand for the products is what supports the corporation, allowing it to continue business and grow. The employees of a corporation are also a vital group as stakeholders because without them, there would simply be no way to efficiently manage a corporation. The employees see the every day workings of the corporations, and often are the source of progress and improvement in the corporation as they see the inner workings of the business on a daily basis. The local community is also important to the corporation because it is often comprised of a combination of customers, employees, suppliers, and other related business people that have a part in the corporation. Lastly, the management plays possibly the most important role from a personnel standpoint in the sense that they are

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