Jim Carey Character Descriptions

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The personality Jim Carey portrays through the character of Stanley is very quirky, unmotivated/lacks confidence, and by his own definition "a hopeless romantic". The way Jim Carey presents Stanley perfectly captures how he is unmotivated and lacking confidence through his facial expressions and ways he carries himself. The first scene we are introduced to Stanley, he lies asleep in his small, messy apartment while his dog wakes him up for work. Immediately the audience is able to see the lack of motivation and direction in life as he sleeps through his alarm, forcing his dog to act as a mother of a teenager waking her child up for school for the fifth time. Nothing screams "unmotivated" like the use of a dog as an alarm clock. …show more content…

Now very pompous, the Mask is ready for his night out on the town. The transformation is a complete turn around from the old Stanley in regards to setting and ways to project his new character. Now the mask, there is constant party music in the background to bring about his new found mischievous side. His smirk and dance-walking align perfectly with the beat of the song as if it follows is every move. The other major element used is darkness. While Stanley was always seen in bad lighting, usually during the day, the Mask is a well-hidden figure who lets the darkness bring out his best characteristics. His bright smile and pronounced cheekbones are easy to spot in the dim areas he resides in. As a result, he has no problem receiving attention from everyone, especially women. He also dresses very flashy, often boasting loud colored suits and tuxedos. The mask does not try to fly under the radar whatsoever, even ordering a white limo to drive him to the club where his (Stanley’s) afformentioned blonde client works as a stage performer and singer. The limo rolls up and honks its horn repeatedly into the crowded area where all other civilians are desperately …show more content…

Loud Suits, stealing money from the bank which he works, on everyone’s radar yet the Mask still finds a way to avoid all trouble; the director might as well have named him Mr. Smooth Criminal. Finally, the Mask looks for romance, in particular, romance with his old client Tina who no longer recognizes him after his transformation. As the Mask strolls into the stage area where Tina is currently performing, we see Stanley’s emotions come out since the Mask is not scared to hide anything he thinks or feels. His heart starts bouncing, his eyes pop out of his sockets, and his tongue droops onto the table. Since he knows his ability when it comes to romance, he waits no time in approaching Tina while she is performing and yells at the crowd “LET’S ROCK THIS JOINT” and the band immediately plays music one would only hear in the Roaring 20s. Without hesitation, he grabs Tina and starts speed dancing with her. She is in complete awe of his confidence and ability to dance that she becomes infatuated by him. Following their dance, the Mask Swings Tina down and kisses her, not afraid to

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