Jesus' Use of Parables to Teach About the Kingdom of God

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Jesus' Use of Parables to Teach About the Kingdom of God

Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God by using parables and

allegories. I will outline his teaching by using examples from St.

Mark’s Gospel, then I will go on to explain the differences between a

parable and an allegory and explain the symbolic meanings of the

allegories of the tenants in the vineyard and the sower. Following

that I will explain the use of parables in St. Mark’s Gospel and why

Jesus’ preferred teaching method was by using parables. Finally I

will go on to explore the quote “this earth will never be God’s

Kingdom” and give my opinion on this showing that I have considered

another point of view.

The Jews had a very strict idea about what they believed the kingdom

of god should be like. They were tired of being ruled by people. They

wanted to fight to be free and rule the world from Jerusalem. They

thought that the kingdom would be mighty and powerful. They believed

that a leader called the Messiah would arrive and lead them to



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