Jesse Marcell

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On July 4, 1947, an unidentified flying object crash landed in a small ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. The phenomena quickly made headline news in the United States, and later after, the world. Soon after, The United States Armed Forces quickly issued a press release reporting that a crashed disk had been recovered. Corrupt Government officials covered up the incident by issuing a second report stating that the wreckage, was “most likely” from an experimental surveillance balloon, code-named “Mogul”. Despite this claim, Major Jesse Marcel, who was responsible of transporting and delivering the material found to the Roswell’s Army Air Force, later reported that the material he was forced to present to the press, was not the same material he had …show more content…

According to a Jesse Marcell’s report, the material he had initially given to the Army Air Force was swapped out and replaced by material from an experimental weather balloon. Jesse Marcell stated in his report that the material he found that night, “would not burn” He continued by saying, “it weighed nothing, it was very thin, it wasn’t any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. It would not bend. We even tried making a dent in it with a 16 pound sledge hammer. There was still no dent in it.", implying that the material he found that night was unlike any metal he had ever encountered and was likely not from this planet (Edwards, …show more content…

Glenn Dennis, Roswell’s mortician and ambulance paramedic at the time of the incident, reported that on the night of the incident, he received a strange call asking for information on the best way to preserve three cadavers and was asked about recommendations for three child sized coffins. When Glenn Dennis heard about three bodies that had been recovered from the mysterious Roswell incident, he was intrigued and soon after he was viciously denied access entry to his home military hospital by armed guards, spoke with a nurse who had accidently walked into an examination room. The nurse reportedly saw three small bodies about 5ft in size, with spindly arms and giant bald heads where being examined by doctors (Edwards,

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