Jennifer Lawerence's Failure In The Movie Joy

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The movie Joy, starring Jennifer Lawerence, centers around the life trials of a women named Joy. As a child, she possessed a love of inventing which was stamped out fairly early. After a devastating family divorce, she became the matriarch of her family and further down the road, a divorced mother of two. Throughout this biographical comedy-drama, Joy faced many failures but unknowingly used the 5 steps to Designing of Your Life. The most prominent failure was her invention of the self wringing mop. While wringing out a mop that contained fragments of glass shards, a flame sparked her inspiration. She cut her hands and from that observed a problem that she sought to solve. She empathized the problem. Next she internally mulled over exactly …show more content…

After hours of slopes and swirls she began refining her solution. She ideated her project. As a result of that, she began the prototyping stage and made a contact with a manufacturer in California that was willing to ship her a sample of her product. Using the prototype constructed, she was able to demonstrate to potential investors the products potential. All the investors she presented her project to rejected her initially, due to complaints that ranged from the design of the handle to the lack of promise seen. One such potential investor stated that although her mop could last a while, he intended his mops to break so consumers would always come back to purchase another. Through trial and error, however, Joy was able to address each of them with a confident answer. Once she acquired a platform and enough funding and resources, she was able to enter the testing phase. At this point her product was on QVC live television to her astonishment. Unfortunately, the salesmen made a poor pitch and her product was essentially thrown out the window. She then revisited the prototyping stage and convinced her producer to allow her to pitch her own

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