James Rachel's Article: The View Of Free Will

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The view of free will has been heavily debated in the field of philosophy. Whether humans possess free will or rather life is determined. With the aid of James Rachels ' article, The Debate over Free Will, it is clearly revealed that human lives are "both determined and free at the same time" (p.482, Rachels), thus, in line with the ideas of compatibilist responses. Human 's actions are based on certain situations that are causally determined by unexpected events, forced occurrence, and certain cases that causes one to outweigh the laws of cause and effect. The article also showcases instances where free will does exist. When human actions are being based on one 's emotions of the situation, desire, and simply that humans are creatures that are created to have intellectual reasoning. I argue, that Rachels’ article, provides helpful evidence on compatibilists responses that demonstrate free will and determinism actions come into play with each other.
In Compatibilist Response in the article Problems from Philosophy by James Rachels, he examines the topic …show more content…

Correspondingly, it is a problem due to the fact, if our own actions are not self-caused, then our desires and characters are caused by outside forces. In the same way, it is not a problem if the immediate cause of an action is our own desires and character, then that is sufficient for the action to be free. When given the ability to decide on your own, it is free will. For instance, a man was given a personal choice to commence. But he chose not to think and form a choice. Instead his friend made choices for the man. Basically, the man did not desire free will to decide on his own, he chose to be told what to

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