James Baldwin's Essay: Notes Of A Native Son

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impatience. “I see myself owning my own restaurant.” Luis’ uncle has shown him that it is possible. He wants to follow in his uncle’s footsteps and become his own boss. Luis’s uncle influenced Luis’ life. He taught Luis to appreciate what life offered him and to work hard for what he wanted. His uncle acts as his only father figure because Luis does not have a relationship with his real father at all. Luis really does not know where his father is or if he is even alive. Just like James Baldwin explains in his essay “Notes of a Native Son,” he tells us how he shared his “vice of stubborn pride” with his father which only resulted in a relationship where they barely knew each other (Baldwin 587). Even though Luis is in a situation like this, it does not bother him. Through his uncle, Luis learned what hard work was and that sacrifice does pay off. “My uncle came into this country 12 years ago with nothing in his pockets.” Proudly he said “His mentality led him to his success.” “I want to work hard and make up for not being able to finish school.” Luis knows it won’t be easy but he does know it will be worth it. People know when other people will be successful. People may say I am too young to know any better but I know that Luis will one day accomplish what he wants. When he talks about …show more content…

He put in as many hours as he could. Since he was working with his family, it did not feel much like a job. Chicano’s was the closest thing he actually had to a home. Luis did not find a need to go back with his mom and dad. “Considering how lucky you were, what would you say to someone thinking dropping out of school?” Luis is aware of other people not having his same “luck.” Luis folded his hands together before answering. “I am not lucky, I am blessed.” He would not recommend it to any kid now. “I would tell them to take into consideration their future -family, income, job.” He emphasized “How would they want their lives to

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