Italian Immigrants in America

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Italian Immigrants in America

Ever since the United States was founded, immigrants have been arriving on its soil. The first white inhabitants of the U.S. were immigrants from Europe. They came for many reasons, such as religion and opportunity. As the country grew and became more prosperous, it became more enticing to foreigners looking for opportunity. This continued into the 20th century and finally during the 1920’s, the United States began to restrict immigrants from coming to their country, mostly for cultural and economic reasons. Even the immigrants that were allowed in during the 20’s faced many hardships such as religious persecution, racism, and xenia phobia. One of the major groups of immigrants during that time was the Italians, but did the Italian immigrants experiences typify the overall immigrant experience during the 1920’s? From the research I have compiled, I would have to say yes. The Italians provide us with a wonderful look into the common immigrant experience due to their large numbers and their wide range of settlement throughout the U.S.

During the period from 1920 to 1930, 4,652,115 total immigrants came to the United States and 550,460 of these were Italians. That means that 11.8% of the immigrants over the ten years period were from Italy. (Historical Statistics of the United States). A little over half of the Italians made their homes in the city. When looking into the Italian immigrants of the 1920’s one can easily gain a wide perspective on the overall immigrant experience. The Italians, like the other immigrants, faced prejudice, had different cultural norms, and kept to themselves during the early years of their time in the U.S. Furthermore, the Italian immigr...

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...bated today with countries such as Mexico, and probably will be for some time to come.

Work Cited:

1. “Immigration.” Collier Encyclopedia. 1997 ed.

2. United States Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Historical Statistics of the United States.. pt. 1. Washington: 1975.

3. “Italians.” American Immigrant Cultures. 1997

4. Caporole, Rocco. The Italian Americans Through the Generations. New York: The American Italian Historical Association, 1986

5. The Urban Experience of Italian-Americans Ed. Pat Gallo. New York: The American Italian Historical Association, 1975

6. “Our Immigration Dilemma.” New York Times 2 May 1920.

7. Vecoli, Rudolph J., Italian Immigrants in Rural and Small Town America. New York: The American Italian Historical Association, 1987

8. “Want Immigrants on Farms.” New York Times 6 June 1920.

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