It Has Been A Wild Ride Analysis

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In the final source, For Thousands of ‘Dreamers,’ It Has Been a Wild Ride. And It’s Not Over Yet, the article gives a well-written summary in comparison to the political right article. However, the report only summarizes mainly on what DACA is, why it is irrelevant, and why Trump is considered the transgressor. The audience is noticeably intended towards the political left. This being said, it is evident who the intended audience is through the use of language that glorifies DACA participants. The author writes, “This is the first ray of hope that these Dreamers have had in a very long time.” (page one). In other words, the article is not credible because of the amount of bias involved. Although it is normal that some sources have some bias, …show more content…

To emphasize the author’s use of emotional appeal, the author writes, “I turned 15 in September, right at the time the program started to shut down…When I heard that news, I teared up and didn’t want to believe it. I lost hope.” .” (page two). Generally speaking, the author uses evidence so the audience can feel sympathetic to those under DACA. With describing how hopeful and saddened the dreamers were, it can convince the public to side with the political left. The author can affect the reader with loaded language in order to have a larger audience favor the liberal perspectives on what they have written about. All things considered, the article is effective in persuading the reader with emotional appeal, however, it mainly discusses how the dreamers felt and why the Trump administration is corrupt. The reader should consider why the political left would perceive DACA this way to the factual evidence within the article, instead of being persuaded by sympathy. All in all, the article would make the intended audience feel compassion and agree with the topic. Therefore the author is not doing their job provide news with little to no

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