Isolation In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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When I read “A Rose for Emily” I made many personal connections, it was a story that I related very well to. For starters, I related very well to Emily’s isolation. I too stay by myself a lot, not to level that she does but I do. I spend most of my time in my bedroom alone reading or working on school work. I do not spend a lot of time out of school with my friends or excess time with my family. In that way I am much like Emily, I do not socialize often and when I do it is a big deal. Unlike her, I am (hopefully) not going insane. Also, like Emily, I do not have any romance in my life. In my age group most of my peers have had their first kiss or gone out on their interpretation of dates and I have done none of that. Emily never went out with

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