Is NASA Right To Hire A Planetary Protection Officer?

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Space, an entire universe of planets, stars, and galaxies have sat out on earths horizon since the beginning of time. Every day we further our progress into this massive dark abyss, and consequently by furthering our technological reach we also take that next big step. We extend the range of the human race. With great power must come great responsibility, that is why The National Aeronautics and Space Administration more commonly known as NASA has officially created and filled their latest position, Planetary Protection Officer. On August second 2017 Jeffrey Kluger, a writer for Time magazine wrote a very interesting article “Why NASA Is Right to Hire a Planetary Protection Officer”. Now to you this may sounds quite absurd and even a little bit funny that NASA has hired someone to seemingly protect the planet. However this position is no joke. NASA’s new Planetary Protection Officer is in charge of protecting much more than our planet from extra terrestrials, the new positions intention is actually intended to protect the aliens from us. …show more content…

However as Kluger points out there are more hazards of traveling to other plants than we realize. We must not only be aware of what could happen to us when we are millions of miles away from home. But we also need to be aware of what we could do to the ecosystems of the planets we visit. The ships and probes we send out into the great unknown “could contain trace bacteria, viruses or other biological contaminants from Earth, and a human being is nothing but one gigantic, walking

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