Is It Worth Barrier Than All The Other Frogs?

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There once was a frog named Roxy that resided in a little pond in the middle of a grand forest. Roxy thought that she was better than all the other frogs. When the frogs would gather in the evening to chirps their songs out, she would hop up on the highest rock that she could find and croak as loud as she could so that her song rose above the rest. After the singing would end, she would look down from her perch and say “Do you hear the sky-birds that fly above my head? Are they not put to shame by my beautiful voice? Does my talent not surpass the melodies that fill the twilight air?” To which all the other frogs would respond, “Yes, Ms. Roxy, it does indeed!” She would sneer at all the girl frogs, tease all the boy frogs, and disrespect all the elder frogs. …show more content…

She would assail anyone who dared to question her authority with the most vicious of insults. After her victim would finally relent and she finally (finally is only necessary once, the second is implied)got her way, she would puff herself up and proudly say, “Do you see the scholars who spend their hours in study? Are they not put to shame by my wisdom? Does my knowledge not surpass the great mind of King Solomon himself?” To which all the other frogs would respond, “Yes, Ms. Roxy, it does indeed!” Above everything else, however, she thought that she was extremely beautiful. She would spend hours sitting on the tops of lily pads and admiring her reflection below. She would look at all the other frogs and say “Do you see this water lily here next to me? Is it not put to shame by my loveliness? Does my beauty not surpass the dewdrops that collect on the petals?” To which all the other frogs would respond, “Yes, Ms. Roxy, it does indeed!” (This should be a new paragraph)One cloudy day, Roxy was hoping along down the path that led to her favorite spot on the lily

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