Irony In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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Use of words in a humorous and satirical intention, as a result of which the meaning is exact opposite of what is actually said.. There are different kinds of irony. Some of them are discussed below.

Dramatic and tragic Irony by Sophocles:

Oedipus Rex is an example of sustained dramatic irony. Oedipus is represented throughout the play seeking for the murderer of Laius, only to find at the end to his great surprise that he himself was the guilty one. The term dramatic Irony has another meaning also; it describes the situation when a character in a play speaks lines which are understood in a double sense by the audience though not by the characters on the stage. The drama has also the Irony of situation which arises when a set of circumstances turn out to be the opposite of those anticipated or considered appropriate.

Irony by Socrates: …show more content…

Socrates used the device of another man's point of view in order to ridicule him and reveal his weakness and it was known as Socratic irony.

Irony by Jonathon Swift:

Swift was one of the great masters in the English of sustained irony. In his "The Shortest Way with Dissenters Defoe" pretends to advocate what he actually does not like. Many techniques are used for achieving irony. The writer may make it clear that the meaning he intends is the opposite of his literal one or he may construct a discrepancy between an assumption and its completion or among the appearance of situation and really behind it. Whatever be the technique the writer demands that the readers sees concealed meaning that lies beneath his surface statement.

Irony of

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