Invasion Of Privacy In August Wilson's Fences

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A fence is for safety it blocks out strangers from invading privacy, metaphorically it protects the past from sneaking in through the cracks. In August Wilson Playwrite “Fences” he portrays this by using a fence to keep the secrets inside and hidden away. August Wilson was the writer for “Fences” Wilson was never really successful as a poet, Wilson was encouraged to write from his friend Claude Purdy from the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis ( In 1983 was the year Wilson wrote “Fences” and Fences earned him a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award in 1987. ( . Since Wilson’s death in 2005 his work for “fences” has become more popular. Based on “Fences” which is based in the 1950’s Troy Maxson is building a fence at his wife’s request, physically the fence is just wooden fence keeping the outsiders out, when in reality it goes deeper than the eye can see. Everyone close the Troy has a fence around them. Troy’s wife Rose has a fence surrounding her, her fence is her feelings of leaving and dropping everything for her husband and he does not even notice, Rose wants to keep her family close and together, “She is ten years younger than Troy, her devotion to him stems from her recognition of the possibility of her life without him”(1.4). Rose put her life into Troy and stays beside him, her fence is to protect her …show more content…

The fence Troy put around Lyons is his dream to be a musician. Lyons borrows money on Troy’s payday to achieve his dreams of making music, “fancies himself a musician, he is caught up in the rituals and ideas he has come to borrow money from Troy, he is uncertain as to what extent his life style will be held up…” (1.7). Though he borrows money and promises to pay Troy back he still holds on to that dream Even though Troy won't even take the time to come see Lyons play music, the real pride of Lyons's life, Lyons still seems to respect his father

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