Introducing Miss Bennet, Unique Heroine

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In the book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen decided to make Elizabeth Bennet the central character. Elizabeth is the second eldest of the Bennet sisters and from the very beginning of the book; we can sense that the whole plot in the story is based around her. Therefore, we can suggest that there are many reasons to think that Elizabeth is the heroine in Pride and Prejudice. However, I believe that before arguing on this idea, we must define the concept of heroine. When we talk about the heroine of a story, we usually expect a woman who is brave, courageous, trustworthy and has many other positive qualities, depending on what she does. This makes the reader like the heroine more than any other character in the story. However, the question is if Elizabeth fits into this general frame for heroines.

One of the main reasons why we might think Elizabeth is a heroine, is that she is very caring, especially for her family and those who she is fond of. A clear example of this is when Elizabeth walks all the way to Netherfield when her sister Jane gets sick. This is shown in page 32, chapter 7: “Elizabeth, feeling really anxious, was determined to go to her (Jane), though the carriage was not to be had; and as she was no horse-woman, walking was her only alternative.” The fact that she is caring makes Elizabeth a good heroine because there is a generalisation, where we think that heroes and heroines would help other people. However, Elizabeth doesn’t show this side of her in a usual way, as she doesn’t go around saving other people’s lives. Instead, she subtly lends a hand when people can make a good use of her aid. The fact that Elizabeth does it this way shows how actually she is a good heroine because her actions aren’t purposely do...

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...ple have and is generally spotted in heroes and heroines, like her.

Overall, I think that we can say that Elizabeth Bennet is an attractive heroine within the book. Jane Austen succeeds to make Elizabeth a heroine because she gives her a witty, caring and confident personality, but what I believe is the most effective way in which an image of a heroine has been created for Elizabeth is by allowing her to make mistakes and showing how she later solves them. This gives Elizabeth the opportunity to show how she is a normal human being (and like every human makes mistakes) and a heroine at the same time. Therefore, we can suggest that Jane Austen wanted to create a different type of heroine who wasn’t stereotypical and would stand out between all the other ones, even though there are some aspects where she could improve, such as avoiding becoming prejudiced too fast.

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