Intimate Partner Violence

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In 2007, domestic violence resulted in 2,340 deaths in the United States, and 70% of those killed were female (CDC, 2012). Each year in the United States, one in four women are victims of intimate partner violence (Stahly, 2008) and the U.S. Department of Justice has estimated that this number could be doubled as it only represents the women who repot abuse to the police. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is described as physical, sexual or psychological harm executed by a current or former partner. For the purpose of this paper, domestic violence and intimate partner violence both denote violence enacted by one intimate partner against another. As per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) physical violence is the premeditated use …show more content…

There are five dimensions, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness, which are fundamental characteristics of personality. High conscientiousness foretells good work performance and good health while low agreeableness and high neuroticism are connected with poor health; high agreeableness is linked to helping others; high extraversion predicts leadership; high neuroticism is associated with depression; and high openness is correlated to creativity (Malouff, Thoresteinsson, & Schutte, 2005). Although most people who marry dream of living happily ever after, numerous personality traits appear to predispose some to an ending far less romantic. Certain traits can lead partners to be at greater risk for undergoing distress and instability in their intimate relationships (McGue & Lykken, 1992; Robins, Caspi, & Moffitt, 2002; Spotts et al., 2005). Describe the study. Openness has been negatively correlated to martial stability and satisfaction and openness to aesthetics, ideas, values, and general openness have been connected to decreased relationship length. High agreeableness was related to nurturance. Conscientiousness had positive relationship characteristics such as relationship stability and relationship length (Article#3). Hines and Saudino conducted a study to see if personality traits correlated with abusers and victims of abuse. Women who were higher in extraversion and lower in agreeableness sustained more psychological aggression at the hands of their dating partner. High neuroticism and low agreeableness predicted women’s receipt of physical aggression and high neuroticism and conscientiousness and low agreeableness were associated with receipt of sexual aggression

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