Internal Conflict In William Wilson By William Wilson

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The brain houses millions of neurons that fire chemical and electrical signals across synapses to create consciousness. This complex organ allows for the human body to function but also allows humans to experience emotions. Sometimes, these feelings are not always easy to handle. Distinguishing between wants and needs drives many to self doubt. Not being able to see their issues only worsens the problem. With literature, people can escape their conflicting thoughts and focus on another's story. Most of the time, people connect with the character's struggles. For this very reason, authors use literary elements such as motifs to put internal conflicts into words. Motifs are reappearing symbolic objects or ideas that help develop themes. For example, …show more content…

“William Wilson” depicts the story of a criminal on the brink of death and how he arrives at his current position. Wilson describes how in school, he excels above all his classmates except for one who shares his name and appearance. This other William Wilson only differs in the way he speaks. He whispers like a voice in the back of Wilson's mind. Throughout the story, the rivalry between these two grows. Wilson sees how his shadow self beats him only in moral superiority. When Wilson begins to turn down a dark path, the shadow self points out Wilson’s wrongdoings. The story ends with a confrontation between the two in which Wilson stabs his shadow self. For a moment, Wilson sees a mirror reflecting only himself spattered in blood. He realizes that the image was not a reflection but his namesake’s mangled body. In his final words, the other Wilson says that in murdering him, Wilson has lost any chance of happiness. In writing this story, Poe shows the schism of mind and body through the mirror being of William Wilson: “The second William Wilson, who comes and goes like a specter or apparition, represents the conscience or moral sense; that is why, as the gentle but persistent voice within, he speaks only in a low whisper and why no one …show more content…

In doing so, he faces the challenge of choosing between right and wrong. Poe creates a second version of Wilson to personify the opposing views Wilson’s mind contains. The reader sees how the corrupt Wilson kills his spiritual self, thus losing any hope of absolution. Secondly, in the other work “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Poe uses the Usher mansion as a physical symbol of the deterioration of the Usher family. The Usher twins and the house are both falling apart; the home rots, and the twins bodies and minds quit on them. Due to the family’s past incestual relations, the twins cannot help the corruption they face within their own genes. That corruption ultimately leads to their deaths, and the house, both the physical house and the bloodline, crumples down with them. Poe creates these mirrors to help show readers’ feelings that usually cannot be seen, only thought about. The physicality of the mirror helps those who cannot picture for themselves the trouble they face within. Hopefully, readers can take away from these stories how to not deal with inner

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