Integumentary System

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The relationship of circulation and integumentary systems is that the circulatory system brings nutrients and oxygen to the skin and removes waste from the tissues. The skin excretes some waste water and salts via the sweat glands and regulates temperature via the dilation or constriction of superficial blood vessels near the skin. The circulatory system is also responsible for helping regulate body temperature, it does so by allowing the blood vessels to vasodilate or vaso constrict. When the blood vessels dilate what else does the heat escape through than the integumentary system.
One of the main disease of the integumentary system is skin cancer. Skin cancer affects more than one million people each year in the United States. The people with lighter and fairer skin are more prone to skin cancer. The cancer occurs when normal skin cells undergo a change during which they grow and multiply without normal controls. As the abnormal cells multiply they form a tumor. Signs and symptoms include firm, pearly bump with visible and spiderlike tiny blood vessels. Red, tender, flat spot that bleeds easily. Small, fleshy bump with a smooth, pearly …show more content…

This condition affects man and women but is more commonly in women. Women develop a pattern of hair growth that is often found on males for example beard hair. Signs and symptoms are that women will grow thick and dark hair growth in areas like the face and chest. It is common for women of certain cultural descent, such as those from the Mediterranean region. Treatment can be removing the unwanted hair by shaving, plucking, waxing, or using depilatory creams. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are more permanent forms of hair removal but cost a lot more. Physician may also prescribe medication that block androgen hormones, helping to decrease the amount of hair growth, but this medication can take from six to eight months to start

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