Integrity In The Crucible

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John Proctor is a character from the play “The Crucible” written by Arthur Miller. Miller wrote this play to comment on the movement in the 1950’s, led by Senator Joe McCarthy. McCarthy's movement is related to the Salem Witch Trials by all the false accusation of communist in the State Department, which this where Mccarthyism was created. Arthur Miller used characters throughout The Crucible to represent different character traits throughout this play. Proctor was one of the many characters that Arthur Miller used in The Crucible. Miller used Proctor to describe the character trait of Integrity.
Having a character trait like integrity is always a positive thing. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong morals. Miller picked Proctor to have this character trait because …show more content…

Among of all these things that can be related to McCarthyism a more recent one is the scandal of steroids going on in the MLB. The scandal in the MLB is many players have been found taking enhancement drugs to help improve performance on the field. Some of these players even pleaded guilty of taking enhancement drugs in court. The way this scandal in MLB is related to McCarthyism is by how now every time a good player has many home runs hits in a season or makes a lot of great plays that person will be accused of taking enhancement drugs or be under investigation. These people accusing these players of taking steroids though have no evidence to back up their argument. Just like how McCarthy accused there being communists in the State Department, when he had no evidence to prove his argument. McCarthy announced “I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department.” When McCarthy was asked about evidence to support this list he

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