Inside Out Short Term Memory Analysis

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Inside Out Long Term and Short Term Memory Inside Out is a Disney Pixar movie, created for the entertainment of children. This movie takes place in eleven year old Riley’s head, the viewers are shown her emotions and how they react to certain things. The five emotions shown in this movie are Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Fear, their jobs are to take care of Riley. In the beginning of the movie Riley and her family move from the Midwest to San Francisco, Sadness took over the wheel and sends Riley on an emotional train ride. This causes the core memories to be ruined, so Joy and Sadness have to go find them. They then have to travel through long term memory to get back. One is led to believe by viewing Inside Out that all our memories ever are still in our heads, that would be a lot of information. Our brains remember only the most important memories, but we also remember the ones that seem like they were yesterday. In Inside Out there are core memories, these determined Riley’s personality. Throughout a child's life their personalities change, a child isn’t goofy their whole life. If an adult was left with the personality they …show more content…

It is easy for the brain to be able to know 2+2 because one is faced with much harder problems than that. In high school we are faced with problem such as a squared plus b squared equals c squared. This is to find the distance of a One’s brain will block out information that is unnecessary, this may lead the viewers to believe that there are little things in your head erasing one’s memory. Once again that is unrealistic, the brain is created in such an amazing way that it knows what is going to be something that needs to be remembered or can be pushed to the back of our brains. One may not remember doing something after so many years, then another shows them a picture and the memories come back, but those memories once again don’t last

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