Informative Essay On Capital Punishment

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Capital punishment is a type of punishment that involves execution or death. It is sentenced to anyone who commits capital offences or capital crimes such as rape, murder, corruption and human trafficking. Until today, 36 out of 195 countries worldwide still actively practice capital punishment. Some of the examples are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, North Korea, Iran and Somalia. Public executions have known to be carried out in these countries.

There are many types of executions used since the introduction of capital punishment. Some of the examples are execution by hanging, shooting or firing squad, and guillotine. When a criminal or convict is executed through hanging, he or she is suspended by a noose or ligature around the neck and then they …show more content…

This type of execution was invented by employees of Thomas Edison during the War of the Currents that occurred in the US. It was designed by inventor and steamboat engineer, Dr. Alfred P. Southwick and built by Harold P. Brown who was an electrical engineer. The process of execution involves the convict being strapped down to a chair with leather belts before being electrocuted by a minimum of two jolts of electricity about 500 - 2000V that lasted about 30 seconds each. A public demonstration was held to determine the type of current to be used. Direct current (DC) was chosen instead of alternating current (AC) as direct current does not instantly kill the convict.
Execution by guillotine is also a type of capital punishment. It was invented by French surgeon and physiologist, Antoine Louis and German engineer, Tobias Schmidt. It was developed as a more human method of execution when compared to the breaking wheel. The guillotine consists of a tall upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade raised to the top and suspended. The convicted is secured at the bottom of the frame with the neck held directly below the blade and the blade is then dropped. It is usually done publicly to afflict fear into anyone who wishes to commit capital

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