Inequality In America

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Does Income and inequality in America exists, and if it does, how does it affect millions of people in the United States starting from those that are scraping by and to those who are at the top echelon of wealth. Why does Income and Inequality brings political arguments to rise, and create this animosity of the haves versus the haves not and is the wealth distribution fair overall. Income and inequality in America is factual and it should be desperately fixed to improve the betterment of millions of Americans that are not What is Income and Inequality, is the wealth gap between the super-rich and everyone else? The wealth distribution and is not just about stagnate wages but also the transfer of the wealth and public policy. Many Individuals …show more content…

In that early year of the range, the lowest fifth held 4 percent, a number that would drop to 3.1 percent. The second lowest fifth went from 10.8 percent to 8.2 percent. Middle fifth: 17.3 percent in 1967 to 14.3 percent in 2014. The second highest and highest fifths went, respectively, from 24.2 percent and 43.6 percent to 23.2 percent and 51.2 percent. And the top 5 percent, which had 17.2 percent, now has 21.9 percent. Money has been regularly and inexorably shifted from the bottom roughly 80 percent of the country to the top 20 percent, and mostly the very top 5 percent. Still, talk of income inequality, even if honestly actually meant, falls short. That is because the attention is too often on expecting to improve things in the short run by having CEOs make less and workers, more. But even with elevated salaries, there are typically so many workers to the one CEO — or even a handful of Top Corporation officers— that redistributed money would not amount to that much per person.” - Eric …show more content…

Income and inequality, is tied up with Wall Street. Why in America the best students are flooding into business school and to get the best jobs in the financial industry, A. Because they want to grow with America, B. because that’s where the money is, and I think that’s the right way to go, I think people should try to understand about how the financial market works, America can educate their citizens much more by providing a required course about the financial markets in high school up to college and could also have a tv station specifically to help teach Amercains about how to invest theier capital (money) how to avoid costly mistakes like opening up too many credit cards or how to pay off debts like student loans debt. Many, of my friends are not majoring in finance for undergraduates I do not plan to major in business, despite my background knowledge in it. I think it’s critical for Americans to learn about investing and saving adequately and help them to grow into prosperity. America economic system was in the side of capitalism so the history of people going where the money is and it can be traced back to America early days, but the problem here is America has become too dependent on Wall Street, whereas when the market does well the economy does well, when wall street does poorly the economy does poorly, and it

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