Incompatibility Of Happiness In Brave New World

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If you could live in a world where you would be always happy would you? In Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley the people who live in this new society have easy access to complete happiness whenever they want it. Everything and everyone in this society is controlled and monitored, there is no freedom. Therefore, the people have no idea they’re being controlled because society keeps it that way mostly by using soma to keep the people happy and clueless. Would you still wanna live in a world where you're always “happy”? The two main themes of this novel are the use of technology to control society and the incompatibility of happiness and truth.

A theme for Brave New World is the use of technology to control society. The main ways of …show more content…

Soma misguides the realities of the present and replaces them with happy hallucinations, it's a tool for encouraging social stability. In Brave New World soma is used by the people to gain happiness by escaping from the reality of the real world. According to Mustapha Mond, the World State prioritizes happiness at the expense of truth by design: he believes that people are better off with happiness than with truth. Today's society is a lot like Brave New World with comparing drugs with soma. There are so many people using any kind of drugs they can get to escape their problems instead of actually dealing with them. When on drugs or soma people think they are truly happy or in a happiness ¨trip¨ but the truth is it's just an unhealthy way to live. The government attempts to destroy all kinds of human truths, such as love, friendship, and personal connection. For example, in Brave New World it is highly frowned upon to be in an intimate relationship with someone for more than a couple months, they want you to constantly be jumping from person to person which deletes love and personal connection from society completely. Also in the first stages of raising the children they would shock them every time they got close to books of flowers destroying any joy or love for beauty or knowledge. Overall, this world in the novel Brave New World hides all truths and happiness from the people and replaces them with lies and ¨fake”

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