Inaccuracies In The Crucible

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The Salem vs the Crucible The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, is based on the actual people of the Salem witchcrafts trials. Arthur Miller wrote the Crucible in the early 1950s in response to experiencing his own modern “witch trials” in the United State. During this time, the panic of Communism has arisen in the United Stated and Senator Joseph McCarthy convinced himself that the American government was slowly being taken over by communists. He began hunting them out, forcing them to confess, and getting them to name their associates, which is very similar to the events in Salem witch Trials. Although Miller researched on the historical records of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible displayed many historical inaccuracies regarding …show more content…

Miller chose to name many of his characters after the real-life people who partaken in the Salem witch trials, but he changed those people by giving different reasons to motivate his characters. For example, in the play, Miller portrays Abigail Williams as a scheming villain-like young woman of seventeen who was the instigator was the happened in Salem. She was made out to be the conflict starter rather than the victim. In addition, Miller mentioned that Abigail and her followers were just a group of teenage girls. However, her “afflicted” group did not consist of teenage girls, but on both men and women (Norton 305). In fact, Abigail wasn’t the head of the group of girls who accused people. “Abigail Williams was active early in the crisis, but then seen to withdrawn from involvement” (Norton 305). She only …show more content…

Miller characterizes Tituba as a much older African slave of Samuel Parris. However, the documented facts showed that Tituba was a South American Indian of the Arawak tribe from the Caribbean island of Barbados (Breslaw 22). A reason Miller decided to make her African was it was easier and more relatable to make her African, and since voodoo is stereotypically seen as the workings of "black" magic, it was easier linked to what the Puritans would view as witchcraft. Voodoo could be easily portrayed as a witch-like practice (Breslaw 20). Miller also portrayed Tituba as an older woman with no family so the girls would go to her for advice and guidance. However, Tituba had a husband and a daughter in the real Salem witch trials. While she may have had contact with the girls, chances are, she did not need to use her motherly instincts with anyone other than her own daughter and she was probably not as close with them as the girls

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