In Search Of Honor Summary

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The book In Search of Honor follows a young boy named Jacques Chenier through the brutal and bloody French Revolution. Jacques' father is maliciously murdered at the beginning of the story by the son of a very wealthy and powerful man. This sparks his hatred toward the Dukes, Duchess, Lords, and Ladies of France. Jacques and his mother were sent into poverty, and his father's killer got the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. As Jacques grows he follows his father's footsteps as an artesian, and he starts selling his works to keep him and his mother off the streets. A mysterious stranger named Danton has Jacques make models and lifelike statues to gain power and trust of the revolting people in France. Jacques gets thrown into the Bastille for breaking into the house of a very wealthy man to steal silver. While in the Bastille he meets an old, frail, battered, and wise man. Jacques gains the trust of the old man who is named Pierre-Joseph. After Jacques escapes with the help of some inmates Pierre helps Jacques …show more content…

“The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility. (Proverbs 15:33)” This Proverb is a part of a set of Proverbs in the Bible. The group of Proverbs is a list of essential life lessons. The proverb itself is used to foreshadow the rising and falling action. Jacques tries to gain honor and wealth through physical objects but learns that humility is more important and valuable. The story places you in the first-person view of the French Revolution. Through the eyes of Jacques, you witness the pain and horror of the French Revolution. You follow Jacques’ thought process throughout the entire story. “I have never been inclined to talk much about myself or my affairs. (Hess iX)” By using a first-person view, Hess allows you to sympathize with Jacques and understands his decisions in the story. Jacques’ thought process is very practical and

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