Importance Of The Canons Of Taxation

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The Canons of Taxation is associated with the tax rate, method and its collection. A better way to define canons of taxation is the properties or features possessed by a good tax. These features are recognized as canons of taxation only if applied to a solitary tax. The mixture of different taxes with different canons included is deemed a good tax system. Hence, canons of taxation are used by the governments to collect and impose taxes. The process of taxation increases government income but there is also a downside to it. The government’s investment might be affected in a negative way. A balanced strategy should be developed by the government before the socioeconomic activities in the country are badly affected by the aftereffects of taxation. …show more content…

Firstly, the canons of equality declared that the burden of taxation should be distributed fairly among every taxpayers. The tax percentage should increase when income increases and vice versa. However, some sort of inequality is bound to happen as not all the taxpayers can afford to pay the exact amount of tax to the government. Therefore, it does not mean that every taxpayers have to pay the equal amount of tax. In fact, canon of equality declares that the rich shall pay more taxes than the poor for the reason that the amount of tax should be distributed according to the proportion of income. This is because the amount of tax should be based on the ability of taxpayers as it is one of the fundamental concepts to bring social equality in the country.The canons of equality states that there should be justice, when it comes to paying taxes. Not only does it bring social justice, it is the primary means for exercising equal distribution of wealth in an economy. Thus, the government should charge more on luxury brands of cigarettes and charge less on normal brands. This is because higher income earners will prefer the luxury brand hence they will pay more taxes than lower income earners. As a result, they are contributing to economy, as taxes are a form of capital revenue for the

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