Importance Of A Birdbath

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at the bottom of the bath. Although it is not as efficient as a heater built-in the bath, your bath will be usable during winter.
The following points give you ideas on how to construct a birdbath which will be usable during winter:
1. Not near feeders
Droppings and seeds usually make the water dirty. The bath should be located not too close to the feeders.
2. Near an escape route
The bath should be located under some hanging branches so that birds will find escape routes.
3. On a pedestal
There are some advantages associated with this. It will be easy to clean and safer from predators since you will be in a position to see from your house.
4. Near an electric outlet
You have to offer unfrozen water to your birds even during old seasons. …show more content…

A clean water is very important for birds. The following measures are necessary for preparation of a bath for spring birds:
1. Every birdbath should be cleaned and sterilized, any build-up algae removed. The rim should be thoroughly scrubbed to remove any accumulated dirt, feces or debris.
2. Birdbaths should be moved closer to trees and bushes so as to make our birds feel more secure whenever they are visiting the water source.
3. Birdbaths with heating elements should be swapped with unheated ones and preserved for use during winter. This should be after freezing temperatures are over.
4. The sound and the motion of the water in the bath should attract more birds. This can be implemented by adding a mister, bubbler or dripper to the bath.
5. The bath should also be made a bit deeper by removing any accumulated debris. A 2-3 inches deeper bird bath is good.
Bird Houses
During spring, many birds will nest in bird houses since spring is a nesting season. These need to be safe so that there can be safe reproduction and reduce chick fatalities.
Preparation of bird houses for nesting birds can be done as

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