Importance And Importance Of Exercise In College Students

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Importance of Exercise in College Students According to Spain (2016), “more than 60% of all college students report they do not get the recommended weekly amount of exercise” (page 1. This is a distressingly high number. It is essential for the still developing college student to incorporate physical exercise into their daily life for not only physical reasons and benefits, but for their mental health as well. College students are under a great amount of stress and it is occasionally a challenge to fit other activities into their schedule, but with repetition it can certainly be done and the benefits are well beyond just some weight loss. In nursing some of the goals are to promote health and prevents illness, exercise does just that. It is …show more content…

An additional study was conducted over the course of 12 weeks on female university students. The student’s level of hopelessness was measured before and after the exercise regimen. Hopelessness has been defined as an important factor in psychological well-being because people with high-levels of hopelessness tend to evaluate current and future events from a negative perspective. This is a problematic feeling to be experiencing, when as a student you are preparing and thinking about your future which is only a few years away. There was a significant increase found in self-esteem and drop in hopelessness found after the completion of the exercise program (Yigiter, 2014). Exercise increases levels of norepinephrine and serotonin as well as endorphins which are known to help increase mood, and subsequently decrease depression and an increase self-esteem levels. (Berman, …show more content…

(2016) Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process, and practice Essex, U.K : Pearson Prentice Hall
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Spain, Erin. (2016). College kids need to change unhealthy ways. Retrieved from
Yigiter, K. (2014). The effects of participants in regular exercise on self-esteem and hopelessness of female university students. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 42(8), 1233-1243.
Ying,L., Keeler, A., & Jetter, J. (2017). College students’ knowledge and perceptions of exercise benefits and dysfunctional exercise. California Journal of Health Promotion, 15(1),

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